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SKA Bratislava: Creative Cafe

20. November 2015 o 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM


You’re invited to an evening of fun, creativity and fellowship over a cup of coffee and or tea among a group of friendly English teachers.

In this session, we are going to play:

Drama Games with Hon Chong
Here’s a wonderful chance for ESL teachers to get together in a safe and supportive environment to try out some drama games and exercises and explore different ways to facilitate them to all age groups and skill levels.

We will play a few games that are fun and require minimal preparation. We will also work on facilitation techniques to ensure that you get the most out of each and every game!

This is perfect for any teacher looking for new game and exercise inspiration or wishing to try using drama games to spice up their lessons.
Duration: 60min

And after we are going to discuss:

Taming Our Monkeys
The Poles have an idiom that English has recently borrowed: ‘not my circus, not my monkeys’. It means it’s not my problem and I don’t have to deal with it. Unfortunately, in our teaching, we do have problems. Sometimes our classrooms look like a circus and our problems feel like monkeys jumping on our aching backs.

Every other month, SKA Bratislava plans to get together and discuss the ELT problems we’re dealing with in our classrooms. We hope that together we can come up with some effective solutions for each other and help each other become better teachers for our students.
Come join us and let’s tame some monkeys!
Duration: 60min

This event is open to all English teachers (or soon to be) both new and experienced. In order to ensure your comfort and peace of mind, allow us to share a few useful tips with you:

  • Please wear comfortable clothing and socks to the event. Wear clothes that do not restrict your movements. You will be moving a lot! Do bring a sweater or jacket with you just in case you may feel cold.
  • We would like to kindly ask you to leave your shoes outside the classroom. We have slippers inside the room for your convenience.
  • Please arrive on time. Doors open at 15:45 and the event starts at 16:00 sharp.
  • When you arrive at Rešetkova 9, please ring the doorbell for Imagine Center for Learning.
  • If you are lost, please call Hon at +421 918 895 948.
  • The event is free but your donation will help pay for refreshments and other cost.

We’re looking forward to seeing you! Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us at


20. November 2015
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Imagine Centrum pre vzdelávanie
Rešetkova 9
Bratislava, 83103 Slovenská republika
+ Google Map

S kvalitou služieb sme spokojní. Najviac oceňujeme profesionálny prístup pána Chonga, čo potvrdzje záujem naďalej s ním spolupracovať. Služby spoločnosti Imagine Center for Learing môžeme odporučiť aj iným spoločnostiam.

Vladimír Jančuš - Unimed Pharma s.r.o.

Oceňujem individuálny prístup k potrebám skupiny

Otto Nagy - Security Technician, Slovenská Sporiteľna

Za obdobie čosi vyše roka sa viditeľne zlepšila moja aktívna angličtina a zvýšilo sa moje sebavedomie v situáciách, kedy musím komunikovať po anglicky.

Libor Gabaj - softvérový architekt, Erste Bank Group Slovakia

Oceňujem lektorov prístup hľadania najoptimálnejšieho prístupu a formy, ktorou mi podáva nové vedomosti.

Vladimír Baksa - vedúci oddelenia reklamy, Allianz Slovensko

Neočakávala som očividné zlepšenie vo svojej angličtine, keďže ju používam deň už niekoľko rokov. Dnes vidím, že sa moja výslovnosť skutočne zlepšuje.

Bronislava Caránková - Commercial Assistant, Krauthammer Slovakia
Phone: +421 918 895 948
Landererova 8
811 09 Bratislava