What is improv?
Improv is a form of live theater in which the plot, characters and dialogue of a scene or story are created spontaneously in front of the audience. Improv actors prepare for an improv performance by polishing these skills, the same skills that are vital for any business or team to grow and thrive:
Listen and communicate clearly
In happy and productive teams, members feel heard and understood. Improv requires individuals to listen actively to their fellow team members in order to react appropriately.
Say “yes, and … “
Make your teammates look good
To create good scenes in improv, you need to play well with your team members. Improv is 100% teamwork. You support them in what they say and they in turn support you, as you build the story together, piece by piece.
Improv is based in collaboration, not competition. In an atmosphere of safety. trust and support, team members learn to be present with the group and work towards a clear shared goal.
Don’t be afraid to fail
In improv, failure, struggle, vulnerability and fear are all part of the game! It’s ok if the scene doesn’t work. It’s ok to fail. The important thing is to get up, get out there and do it again until it finally works. When you learn to live in the moment and face your fear, that’s when magic happens!